Half-Dead: '23 Summer Production Update

What a wonderful summer! I have some work from my students that I’m happy to share as we work on our short-film. This is a lot of the design work, not showcased are a lot of the technical tests, models, animations, and story that we’re continuing to work on. We don’t want to spoil everything, but I also want to share the tremendous work this team is doing.

Character Designs

The main character of this short has come a long way from my personal early look dev. We shifted our design goals from heavily stylized proportions to these more standard proportions. This better fits in trying to achieve a cohesive look across the various characters designed by various students. The facial features and clothing is still quite stylized, but nothing like the large shapes that I was using previously.

Two supporting characters were also created and went through a LOT of changes! These were the final designs we landed on and modeling is underway for them.

What is “fantasy sci-fi” without villains?! Mysticism and robots!! The students responsible for their designs went above and beyond. The opposing forces in our short are shrouded in mystery, but have a sinister and slightly goofy design to them.

Lastly for this update, we have environmental work! Not only do we have wonderful designs and tests for the tiny settlement this takes place in, but we have one heck of a spaceship too!

I’m so proud of the wonderful work being put into this shortfilm. Production is well underway as we’re currently focused on modeling & rigging. Also, what would an animation WIP be without some actual animation?! Sneak peak to our love letter to animated sci-fi violence!